I am Lakshmi Venugopal. A simple, funloving ,enthusiastic Cochinite . You can also call me LeppiJ….Cooking has always been an obsession,a zest .But it took real form a year back, after the birth of my little 1 year old Aniket…maybe a wannabe –Super mom’s first foray into effective parenting….So I started cooking-Serious ,responsible cooking .Then I hit upon blogging and realized this is that wonderful place where I can gather and assimilate information, where I can write , express and communicate. And so Recipe Adventures for you .But before I begin, a few words about the people behind my effort-:
Dad:Dad’s my Hero…Was my friend philosopher and guide,
Dad was an optimist, very simple ....always ernest and ready to help others in whichever small way he could.He always tried to see “ the good side “of each and every person he met …was a shoulder to cry on for some…a mentor for many.. He always said… To love is the only purpose of life…. Very easy to write very very difficult to do…He is not among our midst now…his memories are… So what I cannot hear him…I know he is listening… ….When I close my eyes I can still see his innocent face smiling at me all love , unassuming, unperturbed and yet so noble… So what I cannot see him ….I know he’s watching …..
Mom: I learnt the rules of the kitchen from her. Besides being a chirpy homemaker she’s been my AlterEgo , a great friend
Satish: My husband and critical advisor-Amicus curaie …Also the idea generator behind Project Cook 'n'Cackle
Aniket:My one year old love of life for whom I cook.
And to God: The creator of tastes……..
So here I am ready with my apron, all ready to make , bake, boil, and broil,
to dice, drain, grease, and grind, ,
here I am to mash, to measure, melt, mince and mix
and then to sprinkle sauté simmer and season …
why wouldn’t I love to do it?Isn’t all this worth that big smile you will give me after you have tried and tasted my menu for today…now that’s worth a billion…It will be a long way for me,the travel from need based cooking to finding a chef in me… but what I love is the journey…the self exhilarating experience as I discover this facet of My Self. Ready?.Come lets cook.